Built an MVP but never launched? Instead of letting it gather dust, turn it into revenue. Entrepreneurs and devs are looking for ready-made solutions to accelerate their ideas.
That project you built for fun ? Someone else might need it! Whether it’s a useful tool, a boilerplate, or an automation script, your work has value.
Already making money with a product? Whether you’re looking to exit and cash out or scale beyond your existing clients, licensing it non-exclusively lets you unlock a new revenue stream.
Some ideas are unique but let’s be honest, most aren’t. Save others the hassle of starting from scratch and get paid for the work you’ve already done.
Wether your project is still in development or already live and profitable,
Showcase your projects to the world and get feedback from the community.
List your project and sell it with great control over price and terms.
Add optional services with extra cost to maximize your earnings.
The project license is completely editable to suit your needs.
The number of solid but abandoned projects I’ve seen over the years is staggering. If this marketplace can help bring them back to life, it could be a goldmine for both buyers and sellers!
Demo projects